Friday, October 23, 2009

Let All The Earth Fear The Lord

Psalm 33

The Sovereignty of the LORD in Creation and History
 1 Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous!
         For praise from the upright is beautiful.
 2 Praise the LORD with the harp;
         Make melody to Him with an instrument of ten strings.
 3 Sing to Him a new song;
         Play skillfully with a shout of joy.
 4 For the word of the LORD is right,
         And all His work is done in truth.
 5 He loves righteousness and justice;
         The earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.
 6 By the word of the LORD the heavens were made,
         And all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.
 7 He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap;[a]
         He lays up the deep in storehouses.
 8 Let all the earth fear the LORD;
         Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.
 9 For He spoke, and it was done;
         He commanded, and it stood fast.
 10 The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing;
         He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect.
 11 The counsel of the LORD stands forever,
         The plans of His heart to all generations.
 12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,
         The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.
 13 The LORD looks from heaven;
         He sees all the sons of men.
 14 From the place of His dwelling He looks
         On all the inhabitants of the earth;
 15 He fashions their hearts individually;
         He considers all their works.
 16 No king is saved by the multitude of an army;
         A mighty man is not delivered by great strength.
 17 A horse is a vain hope for safety;
         Neither shall it deliver any by its great strength.
 18 Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him,
         On those who hope in His mercy,
 19 To deliver their soul from death,
         And to keep them alive in famine.
 20 Our soul waits for the LORD;
         He is our help and our shield.
 21 For our heart shall rejoice in Him,
         Because we have trusted in His holy name.
 22 Let Your mercy, O LORD, be upon us,
         Just as we hope in You.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Awesome Interview With John Sanford

‘I was totally sold on evolution. It was my religion; it defined how I saw everything, it was my value system and my reason for being. Later, I came to believe in “God”, but this still did not significantly change my intellectual outlook regarding origins. However, still later, as I began to personally know and submit to Jesus, I started to be fundamentally changed—in every respect. This included my mind, and how I viewed science and history. I would not say that science led me to the Lord (which is the experience of some). Rather I would say Jesus opened my eyes to His creation—I was blind, and gradually I could see. It sounds simple, but it was a slow and painful process....'
More here  and  See also

Friday, October 16, 2009

Great Stuff From Tom Cantor

The following is excerpted from Tom Cantor's delightful booklet "How a Jew Became a Scientific Creationist."

(Read the full text here)

"Being a creationist is both intellect and soul liberating, because Creation reveals the faithfulness of the Creator. For example, the human body is the work of a faithful Creator. The intricate layout of all of the blood vessels with each one attached to its correct terminus, all working together for the overall function of transporting nutrients, wastes and oxygen to and from cells, shows the work of a faithful Creator. The ear drum receiving tonal sound waves and moving less than the diameter of an atom and then transferring those movements to 3 bones, which in turn go through a transducer, converting movement into electrical signals that are interpreted by the brain as different tones, shows the work of a faithful Creator. The interdependency of plant and animal as the plant both uses our exhaled carbon dioxide and produces the oxygen we need, shows the work of a faithful Creator. These are but a very few of the many parts of the Creation that all display the work of a faithful Creator. Allowing the Creation to speak of the Creator’s faithfulness is an encouragement to call on that Creator for the greatest need we have — which is to be saved from the penalty of having sinned against the sinless, Holy Creator. The Bible clearly identifies who the Creator is."

Colossians 1:13-17
“…His dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or  dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.”

"The Creator is the Lord Jesus Christ. Not only is He the Creator, He is the Savior from sin. He has promised to save everyone who calls on His name for salvation from sin. The Bible encourages needy souls to commit the keeping of our souls to the Lord Jesus Christ as a faithful Creator."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart

Psalm 27

A Psalm of David.
 1 The LORD is my light and my salvation;
         Whom shall I fear?
         The LORD is the strength of my life;
         Of whom shall I be afraid?
 2 When the wicked came against me
         To eat up my flesh,
         My enemies and foes,
         They stumbled and fell.
 3 Though an army may encamp against me,
         My heart shall not fear;
         Though war may rise against me,
         In this I will be confident.
 4 One thing I have desired of the LORD,
         That will I seek:
         That I may dwell in the house of the LORD
         All the days of my life,
         To behold the beauty of the LORD,
         And to inquire in His temple.
 5 For in the time of trouble
         He shall hide me in His pavilion;
         In the secret place of His tabernacle
         He shall hide me;
         He shall set me high upon a rock.
 6 And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me;
         Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle;
         I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD.
 7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice!
         Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
 8 When You said, “Seek My face,”
         My heart said to You, “Your face, LORD, I will seek.”
 9 Do not hide Your face from me;
         Do not turn Your servant away in anger;
         You have been my help;
         Do not leave me nor forsake me,
         O God of my salvation.
 10 When my father and my mother forsake me,
         Then the LORD will take care of me.
 11 Teach me Your way, O LORD,
         And lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies.
 12 Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries;
         For false witnesses have risen against me,
         And such as breathe out violence.
 13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
         That I would see the goodness of the LORD
         In the land of the living.
 14 Wait on the LORD;
         Be of good courage,
         And He shall strengthen your heart;
         Wait, I say, on the LORD!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Powerful Healing in a Tube (no kidding)

MelaGel works. It lessens pain and promotes healing in all sorts of cuts, scrapes, burns, etc. This is not a commercial (and I don't sell the stuff) but I think everyone ought to have a tube in his first-aid kit and medicine cabinet. You can read about it here, but you can probably find it cheaper on Ebay.

Monday, October 12, 2009

God of Wonders

I found an awesome new creationism resource. "God of Wonders" may be the finest film on creationism ever - a plethora of amazing examples of God's genius, and stunning cinematography. We viewed it in church the past two Sunday nights, and everyone loved it. We have it in the church lending library, and you can view it online here. 

“But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you; Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you. Who among all these does not know That the hand of the Lord has done this, In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind?" Job 12:7-10

Friday, October 9, 2009

May He grant you according to your heart’s desire

Psalm 20

To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.
 1 May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble;
         May the name of the God of Jacob defend you;
 2 May He send you help from the sanctuary,
         And strengthen you out of Zion;
 3 May He remember all your offerings,
         And accept your burnt sacrifice.  Selah
 4 May He grant you according to your heart’s desire,
         And fulfill all your purpose.
 5 We will rejoice in your salvation,
         And in the name of our God we will set up our banners!
         May the LORD fulfill all your petitions.
 6 Now I know that the LORD saves His anointed;
         He will answer him from His holy heaven
         With the saving strength of His right hand.
 7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
         But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
 8 They have bowed down and fallen;
         But we have risen and stand upright.
 9 Save, LORD!
         May the King answer us when we call.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where Credit is Due

Tuesday we went on a field trip to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. At the beginning of the tram tour the guide told us that the cheetahs were "elegantly designed for speed." I appreciated the nod to the Designer; but, alas, it was to be short lived. In the next 20 minutes we must have heard the word adaptation at least 100 times. Giraffes adapted long necks due to the intense competition for grasses as a primary food source.

I do understand that there is a certain amount of resident "variability" in the genetic information of all living things. But I think the tour guide was either tacitly or intentionally teaching Lamarckism - the inheritance of novel traits acquired through use or disuse of body parts. Giraffes stretched for leaves, and little by little their necks grew longer, and their offspring inherited the new genetic information for longer necks. A cat gets his tail slammed in a door, and her kittens are born with crooked tails - an oversimplification to illustrate that Lamarckism is a failed theory. This stuff just does not happen. Charles Darwin promoted his own version of Lamarckism called pangenesis which was also proven false with later experimentation. He even proposed a feedback loop from the environment to somatic cells to sex cells to offspring - all false.

While the zoo folks have repeated this nonsense to one another so often that they believe it in spite of the evidence, it is - at the very least - annoying to those of us who would just like to enjoy our visit, without all the brain-washing.

On the other hand, Sunday we had a wonderful lunch at church - smoked brisket, sweet and spicy beans, and cole slaw. Our amazing God has filled the earth with plants and animals according to His ingenious design that every living thing should reproduce "according to its kind" as stated 10 times in Genesis chapter one and proven by billions of experiments each year. (Ask any farmer.)

They even taste good when you cook them. It did not have to be that way. And it did not happen by chance or by accident. We should praise Him for it. "Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness." Acts 14:17 (ESV)