I am writing this from downtown Port au Prince on the edge of a huge tent city where thousands of Haitians are sleeping in the streets under tarps, plastic, and anything they can find to protect them from the hot tropical sun when temps soar to 95 degrees daily. No words, television news reports, or photos can describe the devastation caused by the earthquake. There is a real danger here from many things like hunger, disease, and exposure...but the greatest danger is to the Haitian people as a race and culture. I can see how the entire nation could fall and cease to exist under the weight of this suffering.
The Haitian people are afraid to go inside any buildings and millions sleep outside. Aid is piled up in warehouses as all of us seek a way to get it to the people. It is slow and needs your prayers.
I addressed this letter to you and a man named Ryan from New Philadephia, Ohio (FBC), who will lead our team of medical professionals. Ryan is preparing to depart with doctors and nurses this weekend. Here they are greatly needed to say the least. Mostly, we ask your prayers.
Our team of 9 Americans (including me and Robyn) are living in tents at the CAD Orphanage in Gontier, Haiti which is just outside the city. They moved orphans from three orphanages destroyed in the quake to this site and we are putting up tents for 250 orphans. We will have them up and ready in a couple of days. Our team is strong in spirit and lifted by your prayers and donations that have gotten us this far an enabling us so far to feed these kids and care for them. But as I write we have $800 left. Don't panic! We have about two tons of rice and beans, tuna, and other foods in our warehouse and this will last about three weeks. But we need to sustain this site for six months until the children can be moved out of the tents and in to better shelters that protect them. It is a race against time as temperatures continuet rise by ten degrees each month into summer.
Thousands of injured are being moved from the USS COMFORT hospital ship to a field hospital near our location. There they conduct amputations and all types of surgeries. The patients (mostly children) are then put in tents to recover. It is hard to see. It IS ALL THAT CAN BE DONE. So, by God's providence, we have this small team of medical professionals coming in this week. We planned for them to work at our site which is smaller than the field hospital site. But we now must share them with the field hospital up the road where they are badly needed. Pray for them because this ain't easy living. We sleep in tents on the ground, eat almost only rice, and must endure the hot temps. But God has given us strength by your prayers. We need you to pray and help us if you can.
If God has blessed you with a roof and some food, I pray you will be able to send what you can to help finance our work here for the next few months. You can donate thru our website online at or you can mail at donation to our ministry address at:
Russia Inland Mission
PO Box 1304
Hixson, TN 37343
By law, your donations in FEB and MARCH 2010 can be deducted from your 2009 taxes. All donations will go to the relief effort and none of it will be used for admin or overhead. I am going to try and send a photo of one of the orphanages destroyed by the earthquake where 5 girls and one staff member was killed. The rest of the children who survived are with us.
Please pray for our special service today. We are going to fix the children a feast meal and preach the Gospel to them. We want them to know that God sent us and that HE has them in the palm of HIS mighty hand...that they survived for a reason, that God will bring them to a home some day where no earthquake or famine can hurt them...where they can once again be in a home that cannot be destroyed...a home in heaven.
In Christ,
Bro. Mark Rose