Hey Y'all! Just got an email announcement of July events at the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum. Ben is on their daily blog! I thank God for Answers in Genesis and for Ben.
When I think of the church I usually picture the local church - and, more specifically, our local church. Today I am thankful for the universal church - the body of Christ at large.
Ben is scheduled to perform at the Chet Atkins Appreciation Society convention in Nashville July 8-11 and at The Creation Museum near Cincinnati July 13-31. He sorely needed to make the trip to earn money for college, but due to his age he was unable to rent a car or even a room. Imagine planning a 3-week trip with no transportation or housing.
This is where caring Christian friends came to the rescue. Chris and Meagan (Taylor) Anderson, Dr. Mark and Carol Pritcher, Ivan and Connie Gunn, Dr. David and Deb Menton, and Mike and Lesley Riddle all offered to help with both housing and transportation. What an answer to prayer these folks are. May the Lord bless them all for their generosity and hospitality.
I think sometimes people get the wrong idea about freedom and liberty - i.e., that we have to liberty to do wrong. Americans have the freedom to travel pretty much wherever and whenever we please. Yet there are innumerable laws that govern our "freedom of travel." Order, safety, and the general welfare demand it. And there are consequences - both natural and legal - for violating those laws.
Same with the laws of nature. You have the freedom to cliff dive. Land on a rock, and the laws of physics exact a severe and potentially fatal penalty.
In the end we are really only free to do right. There are consequences for doing wrong. There will be an immediate or eventual natural (cause and effect) consequence for doing wrong. And ultimately there will be a divine consequence. God has appointed a day in which Jesus Christ will judge the world in righteousness. He has given assurance of this to everyone in that he raised Jesus from the dead.
In light of this coming judgment, God commands all people everywhere to repent of their sins, and trust Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Last fall our church sent us on a much needed vacation. We will always treasure their kindness and the memories of our time together in the Sierras. It is so refreshing to get away with the one you love; even just a day helps a lot.